HH brisket = pot roast?


Jerry P.

TVWBB Super Fan
I've only done a couple of briskets on my WSM. I think 2 flats and 2 packers. I've done them all HH and they've all tasted like pot roast. The other day, I had a brisket sandwich at a chain BBQ place. The brisket was excellent. Moist, juicy, and certainly not pot roasty at all. What could I be doing wrong?
Probably what Clint said but also if you describe what you are doing it my make it a little easier to see where things are going wrong!

Basic HH process. Run the WSM at about 325 degrees. Foil after about 2 hours and check for tender at around 4 hours.

It doesn't shred but I think overcooking may be the problem. I remember one of the HH gurus saying once that a HH brisket should pretty much always be done in about 4-4:15. I think I pulled my last one off in about 4:45. Maybe I'm not recognizing what "done" brisket feels like.
I was going to say possibly under-smoked too.....these guys will help you get your desired result.

As for it tasting like pot roast, that doesn't sound too terrible to me
. A friend's wife went on a 10 day work trip & made him a flat w/ veggies etc like a pot roast (she followed a foo foo recipe from a cooking show). All I could say as I ate sandwiches & plates of that (probably 3 meals) was "got yourself a GOOD woman".

