Hey everyone


Chris H.

TVWBB Member
Greetings from Pittsburgh, PA! :D

LOVE the website and love the forums. Seems like a group of people who all share the love of grilling and smoking great foods. It's rare to find a place on the internet these days where people are actually civil and want to help and encourage each other. Looking forward to participating!

Picked up a Weber S470 earlier this spring upon completion of our deck. Love the rotisserie arm, sear burner, and expanded grilling space. Wasn't too thrilled with the smoker box (of course, it's not a smoker, lol). Decided to stay with the Weber family and picked up a Weber Smokey Mountain 22.5" and started charcoal L&S cooking.

Cooked my first pork butt last weekend on the WSM.

Costco Butts, 13 lbs, started preparing at 230am

Used the Chris Lilly injection and championship rub

I like to inject, pat dry, then coat with olive oil prior to adding the rub.

Used the minion method with a 20 charcoal chimeny and 4 tennis ball sized applewood chunks buried and one thrown on top for good measure.

13 hrs later, this is me enjoying what is soon to come!

A little darker than I wanted, then I realized i used white sugar instead of turbanado in my rub.

Finished product after a 30' rest:

Turned out really good, wife and the in-laws were happy so I chalk that up as a win! Trying a full packer brisket this weekend.

Looking forward to learning from everyone here! :cool:

