Here's the prime rib eyes

Looks great. I think it is a good thing (on occasion) to make premium cuts, but there is a lot of pressure to do them properly! Yours look awesome! I'd pay 18 bucks a pound for the ones in the plated pic!
I just seared very high intense heat just above the coals flipping constantly to avoid burning (maybe 3 minutes to do both sides) and finished indirect. Thin steaks I would just cook entirely over the very high intense heat flipping constantly until done. Learned these methods from meathead at Oh yeah, my thermpin helped me know when the temperature was achieved.
Nice looking meal Dean, I do the prime once or twice a year if I want something special and did not have five or six days to do my dry aging routine. If I know ahead of time I buy choice and age them and they are fabulous.
I forgot to post the pic of my beverage.
sorry, NO beef cut (to me) is worth 18 bucks... and why I do not order steak in ANY restaurant...
I'm sorry to say Dean, looks like a 9 dollar steak and you may have been ripped off to me. :(
Can't get steaks like that at the steakhouse...... but you can at his house!

That's not a $20 steak at a restaurant, more like a >$30
Between Costco and Mariano's are places you can get prime here. Since it's just my wife, Charlie the dog and I splurge a little on food.

