Here goes nothing...


Mark Dietrich

TVWBB Member
I would have said something about my maiden voyage, but it didn't quite sound butch enough. Anyhow, 10lb turkey went in at 11:30 (central). I go to put in my favorite probe and get an initial internal reading of...230! So, first smoke and my best tool decides to buy it.

I'll report back.

With crossed fingers...
Just stay the course, you will be OK. There is the old shake/twist the leg/thigh trick. Easiest way for me to test for doneness other than a thermometer is to make e small slit in the thigh area and take a look see. If it is done great, if not press on with the cook. Do not worry all the juices will not run out.
1:30 and all seems to be well. I've got a Taylor 5911 thermometer hanging in the top vent. Is this going to give me an accurate idea of what's going on in there?

If so, looks like we're holding steady at about 220-225.

Fingers still crossed (and sacrifices offered to the barbecue gods),
6:45, and the Turkey does not want to surrender those last five degrees. Still holding 240. Will check again at 7:00. Looks beautiful, though. So far, I'm pleased.

Thanks for checking on me,
One way you could look at it, you wouldn't put a 10lb turkey in the oven at 235, and wait for the 10 or so hours for it to come up to temp. The skin would never crisp up much either.
Bird came off at 8:00. It was actually quite good. As a bonus, I cooked up a small brisket and a couple of baby back slabs while I was waiting all day on the bird, and everything was pretty doggone good. Next time I'll work on maintaining a higher average temp, but for my first time, I was pretty thrilled. Thanks for the consult, everyone. It was easier knowing you were all out there.

turks confuse me as on my old cheapo unit- it seemed to take all night but see wheras that turkeys can be smoked much faster- in a matter of approx 3-4 hrs- using a smaller bird like 10-12lbs- perfect size for smoking.

