Help- Weber Flame fitting


Richard S

Picked up this baby today but this connection fitting has me flummoxed! This is an LP fire place but it has not been used in years and the people I bought it from never used it after inheritance it when they bought their house. My fear is that while the manual says “LP” it may have been converted to NG. Any help would be appreciated.
Here is my LP fitting. It is the same as yours only the elbow on mine points up while yours is in the down position. As long as you have the LP tank hanger and scale on the back of your unit, it would be safe to assume it is all ready for you to hook up a hose and regulator and then to and LP tank.

OK. Thanks to all for your help. Yes, there is a hanger for the tank on the back. I will rotate the fitting and get the right adapter. And yes…it came with logs and lots of spiders and wasp nests too!

