Help! Smoking bluefish.


Rob W

TVWBB Member
Hello everybody. It's been a while since I've been on the forum. The Weber sat for a couple of years so I decided to break it out tonight and smoke some bluefish that I caught on Sunday. I'm smoking between 225 and 250°. But I can't remember how long I should smoke it for. Is there anyone here that has ever smoked bluefish? It's been a while since I've done it and just can't remember how long.
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Too tell you the truth, blue's liked to be cooked hot and fast! Sprinkle fish with kosher salt, cracked pepper, just a pinch of garlic powder and finish it with a good sprinkle of paprika. Heat a cast iron skillet up to high heat. Put a heavy tbsp of butter and slam your fish in before the butter starts to burn/evaporate. 1 min per inch of thickness no more then three min thou. Flip with the same rule. Should have some really nice blacken blue's

