Help rescue my pulled pork for Super Bowl!


Peter Near

New member
I've done the championship injection pork butts on my smoker about a dozen times and they always come out great. Today, not so much and I could use some help.

Put them on at about 10pm last night hoping to have them ready early, and the temps were a little high (low 300s). Got it to where I wanted it (about 260 at the top grate) around midnight and went to bed. Was a bit worried about temps since we're just below freezing here in the Toronto area. Woke up with the WSM just over 200, fiddled with the vents a bit and had it at 230-250 most of the day. It's now 3pm and the butts are only at 160, not probe-tender, and looking a little dry. Need to rescue these to bring to a super bowl party.

I've foiled them, sprayed with some apple juice, and threw them in the oven at 300 degrees. Need to go to the party at 4pm, and can probably throw them in there for another 90 minutes or so.

Any other tips to get these things game-ready?

They already got the flavor you need so just relax and let them do their thing. I shoot for 190 internal.
Okay, thanks. I've never foiled before so was watching closely for the "no, don't foil it at 300!" replies. I think the oven and the foil gives me the option to finish cooking at my buddy's house and pull it there, which works.

Was hoping to have it pulled and in the crockpot staying warm before the party but c'est la vie!

Thanks for the quick replies everyone!

Quick update, the smaller butt was done by 4:30 and the larger at 5:30. Came out the usual tenderness and flavour I expect. Yay!
Quick update, the smaller butt was done by 4:30 and the larger at 5:30. Came out the usual tenderness and flavour I expect. Yay!

Glad to here it Pete! I have yet to try catering pulled pork for anything that wasn't at my place, but it's good to know that if time becomes an issue I can foil it and finish it in the oven elsewhere!

