Help replacing ash-catcher ring



New member
Due to my stubbornness, I bent my one-touch sliding mechanism to clean the ashes from the bottom of my kettle. In the process of replacing it (successfully, although it was a real PITA to remove the existing one), I bent the ash-catcher ring which holds the ash-catcher pan. I am having difficulty installing the replacement ring I received from Weber. While I can individually fit one of the prongs from the ring into receptacle on the bottom of the kettle, I am having no luck fitting two (or the third for that matter) all the way in until it snaps in place. I searched the archives as well as you tube and didn't find anything to address this problem.

Any ideas? While I'm tempted to "gently" hammer it down into place, I hope to not repeat the damage to the ash-catcher ring which led to this replacement!

Thanks, and hope y'all have a GREAT Saturday. Spring is almost here in Georgia...
Try placing a board across the ring and press evenly across the flat surface. I'm interested in this project, when "Ice Out" finally happens around here, I will finish the upgrade and will be installing the same parts!
Okay, I'm a total fidiot. I was trying to fit the prongs into the circular metal pegs at the bottom of the kettle, but fortunately my wife was able to show me the error in my ways when she suggested the prongs snap into the slit on the outside of the pegs. So freakin painful.
Okay, I'm a total fidiot. I was trying to fit the prongs into the circular metal pegs at the bottom of the kettle, but fortunately my wife was able to show me the error in my ways when she suggested the prongs snap into the slit on the outside of the pegs. So freakin painful.

2 points off your man card, but all is well that ends well :p
My installation went waaaaaaay faster than I thought. Literally fifteen seconds! Turned the bowl over, snaked the handle through the slot, lined it up, snapped down and VOILA!
Michael, I learned from your post so, you get three points back on your man card! So, you're up one!
It's going to be great! Much neater and the project is one step closer to completion. The umbrella racks I'll pretty much be the last attachment, lights and roti power I will leave to the basics of an extension cord stored in the garage. No need to store that "on board".

