Help, questions on upcoming pork butt cook.



New member
Hello, I am a new WSM 22" owner. This will be my second cook on the WSM, I used to smoke small amounts on my Weber Performer before i got the WSM last week, I have never cooked so much at one time. This cook will be 4 pork butts total of 31.8 lbs average of 8 lbs each butt. Now for my questions.

Aprox how long would it take for this cook at 225F?
Would you cook at a higher temp for this much pork at one time? If so, aprox how long would it take?
Would you put the heavier meat pieces on the bottom rack or top rack?
Is there anything i need to be prepared for? While i have cooked pork butts before, I am a bit worried about doing this much at one time.

Plan on seasoning at 9 pm tomorrow (saturday), start cooking at 3 am (6 hours later) injecting right before placing on smoker. Plans to be done at 9 pm or 18 hours later. This is a guess, i do not even know how long this cook will take.

Any help, would be greatly appreciated! And thank you guys for helping me decide on purchasing the WSM while browsing for the past few weeks!

The meat resting before tonights cook!

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Q: Aprox how long would it take for this cook at 225F?

A: I do 4 Sam's butts all the time. I usually drop them on at 10:00PM at 225, and they finish in between 2:00 to 4:00 the next afternoon for a 5 to 6 PM dinner. I do not wrap while cooking, and will just let them sit out for about 15-20 minutes, then wrap them in foil and stick them in a cooler I use. So figure about 16 - 18 hours, give or take. It is important to make sure your temp is correct though, or your times will be effected in direct proportion.

Q: Would you cook at a higher temp for this much pork at one time? If so, aprox how long would it take?

A: There is no clear cut rule on temps, but I personally wouldn't run over 250. Imho, you really want the meat to sit in the stall as long as possible to completely render everything down. If you go higher, I would definitely wrap, or use a tin wrapped. I however am not experienced with higher temps, so I'll defer there.

Q: Would you put the heavier meat pieces on the bottom rack or top rack?

A: It doesn't really matter. I found that the temps between racks stay pretty consistent, and always find the meat temps within 5 degree of each other. I used to swap the butts from top to bottom, and visa versa early on, but I noticed no marked difference. Most butts from Sam's at least are pretty consistent in weight with the 2 packs. I always make the guy bring out the box and pick two packages that weigh very close, so I try to avoid meats of different sizes.

Q: Is there anything i need to be prepared for? While i have cooked pork butts before, I am a bit worried about doing this much at one time.

A: Just make sure you fill the charcoal and keep tabs on it. I use a DX2 and will usually just start tossing in a few handfuls of unlit at the 12 hour mark. Just keep tabs. If you spritz, wait until the bark sets ~160 internal. check it with you finger nail.

Q: Plan on seasoning at 9 pm tomorrow (saturday), start cooking at 3 am (6 hours later) injecting right before placing on smoker. Plans to be done at 9 pm or 18 hours later. This is a guess, i do not even know how long this cook will take.

A: Dovetailing my answer above, I'd plan for 18 just in case. If they come up early, just cooler them as they will stay for along time! However, build in some time to let the meat rest after you pull them. I would leave at least 1/2 hour before pulling. So plan that in.

Good luck - Let us know how it goes.
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Q: Aprox how long would it take for this cook at 225F?

A: I do 4 Sam's butts all the time. I usually drop them on at 10:00PM at 225, and they finish in between 2:00 to 4:00 the next afternoon for a 5 to 6 PM dinner. I do not wrap while cooking, and will just let them sit out for about 15-20 minutes, then wrap them in foil and stick them in a cooler I use. So figure about 16 - 18 hours, give or take. It is important to make sure your temp is correct though, or your times will be effected in direct proportion.

Q: Would you cook at a higher temp for this much pork at one time? If so, aprox how long would it take?

A: There is no clear cut rule on temps, but I personally wouldn't run over 250. Imho, you really want the meat to sit in the stall as long as possible to completely render everything down. If you go higher, I would definitely wrap, or use a tin wrapped. I however am not experienced with higher temps, so I'll defer there.

Q: Would you put the heavier meat pieces on the bottom rack or top rack?

A: It doesn't really matter. I found that the temps between racks stay pretty consistent, and always find the meat temps within 5 degree of each other. I used to swap the butts from top to bottom, and visa versa early on, but I noticed no marked difference. Most butts from Sam's at least are pretty consistent in weight with the 2 packs. I always make the guy bring out the box and pick two packages that weigh very close, so I try to avoid meats of different sizes.

Q: Is there anything i need to be prepared for? While i have cooked pork butts before, I am a bit worried about doing this much at one time.

A: Just make sure you fill the charcoal and keep tabs on it. I use a DX2 and will usually just start tossing in a few handfuls of unlit at the 12 hour mark. Just keep tabs. If you spritz, wait until the bark sets ~160 internal. check it with you finger nail.

Q: Plan on seasoning at 9 pm tomorrow (saturday), start cooking at 3 am (6 hours later) injecting right before placing on smoker. Plans to be done at 9 pm or 18 hours later. This is a guess, i do not even know how long this cook will take.

A: Dovetailing my answer above, I'd plan for 18 just in case. If they come up early, just cooler them as they will stay for along time! However, build in some time to let the meat rest after you pull them. I would leave at least 1/2 hour before pulling. So plan that in.

Good luck - Let us know how it goes.

Thank you for the advice, one more question. Do you use the water pan for pork butts or should i just foil and not use? Thanks for all your help, this will help me out great, and will show pictures when finished.
Water in the pan helps hold lower temperatures in your smoker but you have quite a heat sink already with that much meat so you can probably just foil the pan.

