help me understand


Corey Elks

TVWBB All-Star
ive used the waterpan with and without water, sand in the water pan, and a clay pot base inside the water pan. All gave me same results. all vents open 250 degrees. So i ask ......... why not just use a empty water pan? what is the benefit of the clay pot base or sand in the pan.. is it just for longer cooks and alows wsm to use less charcoal due to the sand or clay base getting hot? My last cook i used empty water pan foiled in cooker held at 250 with all vents open. am i missing something? thanks
The water pan serves as a heat shield & with water as a heat sink. In the old vertical smokers which were non regulated the water pan absorbed excess heat & kept the temps low enough to smoke. In a regulated ( can control air flow )you need a heat shield but you can often control the heat without a heat sink. Because water undergoes a phase change ( boils ) it absorbs on a weight basis about 5 X the heat as sand or clay etc. It just gives you a margin of error from too high temps. I use a 11 lb round cast iron griddle I found , but many things will work.
I'm with ya Corey. My understanding is that the sand, pot, water, etc... just functions as a heat sink to help regulate temps and it may reduce fuel consumption a little. My thing is, the cooker is so stable, and if it costs me a buck or two in charcoal, so be it. I just foil the pan an go for it. Some of the pros here may have a view that will change my mind, but for now it's foil and a five minute clean up.
Well corey, i don't use anything most of the time.
i started using water, then told i did not need to, so i stopped.
found that to work.
then i started using a terra cotta base and that worked too.
then i grilled without a pan all together and it worked terrific.
butt smoking... try anything and everything during all types of weather, cold hot cool dry... sometimes seasons and their temps make you change the way you use your deflector.
Sometimes nothing is a good thing.
Corey water,sand,clay disc, piedmont or what ever u want to put in ur pan is strictly just to help control temps, the wsm is so good empty water pan is all u need. The only time i use the pan at all is with brisket or butt all vents 100% open thru out the cook.
Once you learn how to stabilize temps, an empty water pan is all you need.

Water helps protect against a thermal spike but it has drawbacks in more fuel consumed and the ability to reach 'high heat' temps.

I would recommend to someone new to the WSM to use water for their first few cooks.
I use an empty pan for ribs, loins, etc. and cooking over 300 degrees. I usually use a clay pot base for butts & briskets, especially when cooking overnight, just for the extra peace of mind.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Andrew Wands:
Hello all. Could someone please provide pics on how and where to set up the clay pot please? thanks to all! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

here is a pic, try th search engine. Very helpful.

