Help Identifying Cut of Beef - Supposedly Chuck Eye Steak


Brian B.

My butcher normally carries chuck eye steaks, so I asked my wife to pick some up for dinner tonight. She came back with the following single 1.25# cut of beef that is a normal chuck roast, right? Obviously those will cook very different ways.



That is what you cut to make the steaks,no fat separates the steaks,cut across the grain about 1" thick,they use to be 1/2 the price of ribeye's around here but now are about 3/4 the cost.I buy them 2-3 times a month.
That is what you cut to make the steaks,no fat separates the steaks,cut across the grain about 1" thick,they use to be 1/2 the price of ribeye's around here but now are about 3/4 the cost.I buy them 2-3 times a month.

Any Butcher worth his badge would of already removed the steaks and sold and labeled them as a Chuck-eye steak, not a roast, which if you cut up will just give you chuck steaks.
I did an 11# Chuck Eye Roast in one of the Throwdowns and could tell you while tender it wasn't 11# of Chuck -Eye Steaks.:)
And per your post Bob>The Chuck Tender #116B (1# to 3#) is a narrow muscle, just above the Chuck Underblade, that superficially resembles the Tenderloin at the other end of the beast, thus the name. The roast is a thick slice across and steak is a thin slice across. This is the tenderest part of the Chuck, but certainly not as tender as Tenderloin (but it has better flavor).I've bought whole cows from meat lockers and Chuck-Eye steaks are sometimes labeled Mock or Chuck Tender, so who knows?
Based on the OP's first pick, it might be worth a shot to cut it into steaks...
I think I need a beer

I'm guessing that hunk of beef has already been devoured, and that Brian wishes he hadn't even asked. :)
Anytime is a good time for a brew!

