Help! Hours to cook when WSM loaded?


Mike Goethel

I am cooking 2 pork butts, 2 briskets, and 6 racks of ribs on 2 WSM's tonight. How do I determine cook time? Is it based on the weight of the individual meat cuts, or combined weight? I am assuming it will take longer to get up to operating temp with the WSM loaded.

The weight of the individual cut plus some, but not twice is a fair rule of thumb. For an 8 lb butt I might shoot for around 16 hours, but for 2 of them I might add a couple of hours. They're done when they're done and the internal temp of the meat tells you that. The same cut of meat can vary in cook time.

Are you putting them all on at the same time? We would need to know the weight of the pork and briskets to help you out better. Whole packer, or just the flat. Spares or B/Backs.
I've never done that much meat, but I think the way people pull that off is to plan on cooking and holding the brisket and butt and finishing the ribs last. As for time, I'd go with the 2 hours per pound estimate but since there is some much variance in the cooking time you have to plan on being done early.
Here's how it's gone so far. I put two 8 lb. butts in one WSM at 9:00 last evening; they hit internal temp. of 190 by 7:30am. The brisket was in the other WSM (9:00 last evening), and I had a heck of a time keeping the temps under control. This was a brand new WSM, and it ran 300+ for 1/2 the cook time. Needless to say, the brisket was done early. Not a good cut, but taste is awesome.

I added more charcoal and water, and small amount of smoke wood, to my trusty old WSM. Getting ready for the ribs. As always, thanks for the advice/feedback.


