Hello From the Motor City



New member
New to smoking and just ordered my WSM 22. I'm a lazy sort and wanted a fairly easy way to smoke, so I bought a DigiQ as well. I'm eagerly awaiting their arrival and doing a lot of reading to learn as much as I can before they get here.

This is an incredible forum and many of my questions I can find answers to without posting. As alway's I'm sure that I'll ask a question or two that has already been answered so bear with me.

I see that many of you have made modifications to your WSM's and I'm wondering what would you consider the MUST DO mods before I fire it up for the first time?

Welcome , JP. Good to meet you. Personally , I don't think there are any must do mods. I added a grommet for my therm lead , and i wired the charcoal ring to the fire grate , but you don't need that right away. There's a ton of stuff you can do , but it can all wait til you see how you like to cook.
Get a nice roasting chicken and cook it in a nice hot fire. Get your smoker dirty
.you have lots of great cooking ahead. Hope you enjoy it.
Welcome to the forums John! My WSM is stock as a rock, others here mod them out to the max. It's all personal preference here...if you like the idea of a mod (or mods) you see, go for it! It's all good!

