Hello from Oklahoma


Chris Church

New member
Hi my name is Chris and I have a problem. I want to Bbq or smoke something every night. Unfortunately my budget doesn't allow for that. Fortunately I have 5 kids so when I do smoke I smoke alot at one time. I have a Wsm 22.5 that I bought 5 weeks ago off Walmarts site to store web site, and received 2 weeks ago. My first smoke was 3 chicken a 12lb turkey and an 8lb pound butt. It all turned out really good if I do say so myself. My next project is a wsm mini. I have been looking around and there is a ton of great info here. So let me close by saying: Hi my name is Chris and I have a problem.
Hey Chris. Nice to see another addicted Okie on here! I too share your "problem", though my primary addiction is with Hasty-Bakes . . . I currently have 14 in my collection. As well as a few Cook 'n Kettles, a Stumps GF223CM (which I'm looking to sell) and my WSM22. Maybe we'll bump into each other at a 12-step meeting somewhere around here--LOL!!
Wow Brad 14!!!! I myself have 3 bbq grills and 3 smokers. I am always looking on craigslist for more. Maybe someday i'll catch up with you.
well , the first step is admitting you HAVE a problem....so we've taken care of that !
welcome to the forum...lots of good people and info here.


