Hello from North Carolina


Mick B

New member

I've been grilling (and some smoking) on my Genesis for years but I am new to smoking with charcoal/lump. I just started messing with my kettle (bought it used and got a smokenator) when I was given an older WSM 22.5. I'm in the process of cleaning it up and can't wait to use it. I'll definitely be frequenting the WSM discussions to gain some valuable knowledge.

Thank you for all the welcome messages.

Steve M - I live in Durham

Bob - Unfortunately, I have to thoroughly clean the WSM. It hasn't been used in a couple of years and some animal or animals has been using it as a shelter. I think it might have been cats because there's some fur stuck to the grates and gunk on the walls. I read the forums about cleaning and I think I'm going to use Simple Green followed by a burn off then reseason it.
Welcome Mick....I can't wait to see your cooks when that WSM is up and running. I feel that gas should be for my truck, not for my smoker.

