Hello from Montana


Nick B

New member
Hello, been using a 22" WSM for years and this site has been a great source for information. Started a competition BBQ team last year and added a second 22" WSM.
Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you are going to fit in here perfectly. Can't wait to see pics of your cooks.
Welcome Nick, wish your team much success. Maybe want to contact Chris and get one of those TWVBB flags to hang at competitions.
Welcome to the site Nick. I met a BBQ team over the weekend that only uses 3 18 WSMs. Pork on one, brisket on the other and ribs on the third and when the ribs come off they put the chicken on. He told me the biggest challenge was brisket on the 18 it tends to burn the point. But you have a 22 as well as I. Thanks for checking in.
I do brisket on one and pork on the other, usually I'll have room to move things around if I need to once things are wrapped to put the ribs on one. I do cheat on the chicken as I use my Green Mountain Grill for it. At that point, my charcoal has about had it and I don't have to worry about adding more.

