Hi all. New guy here from the greater St. Louis, MO. area. I've been a very amateur backyard BBQer for most of my adult life. I've had several Weber kettles over the years. Last year I retired early with a disability and was forced to downsize my life. Moved from a house into an apartment and as a result my grill got left behind. As the weather got nicer this Spring I started to get the itch and as I looked around for a replacement grill I noticed the WSM and started doing a little research. About a week ago I saw Walmart had the 14.5 WSM for $154 and after a few days of contemplating she's now on my deck.
So far I've done a pork butt and even though there's room for improvement on my end, I was really pleased with how it turned out and it tasted pretty dang good.
Thanks for having me and thanks to all who make this web site go.
So far I've done a pork butt and even though there's room for improvement on my end, I was really pleased with how it turned out and it tasted pretty dang good.
Thanks for having me and thanks to all who make this web site go.