Hello from Iowa



New member
Glad to be here! Love my Weber Spirit which took a serious beating when we had a Derecho pass through here three days ago with 100 mph straight winds. Pushed the grill back against the deck railing and ripped the lid right off. o_O No it did not break the hinge pins (wish it had). Broke the entire hinge assembly off the lid on one side and the base on the other! I will be posting in the gas grill thread hoping someone has an idea for installing a hinge of some kind. It's only a couple years old. A new one of course would cost just about the same as our insurance deductible and we had no other damage.


The wall cloud we saw was much larger and scarier looking than the Wikepedia pic. A lot of folks here still without power after 3 days. Thankfully, there were very few injuries as we all had plenty of warning and most folks were not foolish enough to stand out and watch this storm (as I often do). ! It was just too massive not to want to take shelter and wait it out! I'm 67, always lived in the midwest, and never seen one of these before.
Another Iowan here... Welcome! Yeah, I'm on the E side of DSM and we just got power back yesterday around 3PM(?). And you're right, that was one helluva storm!

Again, welcome to the forum!
Craw, you knew I could restrain myself for only so long and you didn't exactly try to stop me.;)

(It's an inside joke for those familiar with Des Moines.)

