Hello from Chattanooga, TN



New member
Found this site while browsing for help with my 2004 Genesis Silver. I'm looking forward to learning a lot from y'all.

I have the 2004 Genesis Silver C :blackgenesis:, Black kettle :blackkettle:, and 18.5" WSM :wsm22:. I also own a Pit Barrel Cooker; hope that's not blasphemy.

Off-topic: I also grow 'maters this time of year. Got 14 in the ground going great. They're assorted, but Cherokee Purple is my favorite.

Hi, again.

Welcome to the forum Dave. This is a great place to learn and there are many here who are more than willing to help.
Welcome Dave and looking forward to seeing some cooks. It's a great forum and a great place to learn, just have fun.
Welcome aboard Dave. I'm just downstream of you. The PBC is not blaspheme but it's redundant 'cause you can do the same style cooking with the WSM.

