Hello from CANADA



New member
hey everyone just wanted to give a quick shout out and I have one quick question has anyone converted a Weber kettle one touch into Smokey Mountain using a pot similar to the mini conversion. Thanks in advance. Cheers
Welcome aboard Rinaldo! I haven't done that and am thinking you are gonna need a huge pot
if you are talking the 22.5 kettle or even the 18 kettle.
Welcome to the forum Rinaldo. Former Waterloo boy myself. I have never seen anyone do that with a kettle. I'm thinking the cost of the pot might be a deterrent. Might as well get the Cajun Bandit conversion.
Welcome to the forums Rinaldo! Like Bob Sample stated, get the Cajun Bandit conversion. But figure up the costs... would a miniWSM be a better investment for you vs. the CB conversion? How often would you need an 18" or 22" smoker? My 18" WSM is overkill for my wife and myself, but it's paid for and I don't have a Smokey Joe Silver or Gold to convert. But I AM checking yard sales for a SJS/SJG to convert!

Anyway, glad to have you here! You're gonna love this place!

