Heavy smoke at the beginning


Andrew P

New member
I have a 18" WSM. I'm trying to avoid the very heavy smoke at the beginning of the process. I live in an apartment complex that doesn't really allow me to smoke on my 2nd story balcony. Any ideas? I could bring it downstairs in the common area then when it dies down move it up to my balcony and put the meat on? Reason I ask is last time my neighbors thought something was burning down..

I'm using minion method with KB briquettes.
If you're not really allowed to smoke on the balcony than you shouldn't.
I would just do the whole smoke in the common area, the thought of carrying a lit charcoal bowl up two flights of stairs is kinda scary.:)

Ditto to what Timothy just said!

Only thing I would also worry about, is keep a damned good eye on your smoker in the common area. May decide to grow some legs...........
Put me in the column of doing the whole thing in the common area. Carrying the lit coals back up will be awful. And if you put water in the pan...
Man , as much as I love my WSM , if I lived in your place I would buy an electric smoker. Unless you really feel safe leaving it down in the common area. And like everyone has said , carrying it up lit is just a non starter. For one thing , if you ever did somehow spark a fire there? You would be on the hook so bad for damages.....not good.
I 2nd what everyone else has replied. Bad idea to carry a lit smoker up the stairs, only bad results await. Even though its safer......pardon me for what i'm about to say...if you must smoke on the 2nd floor balcony get an electric smoker.
For one thing , if you ever did somehow spark a fire there? You would be on the hook so bad for damages.....not good.

Well I feel like I have to chime in on this subject because I do have some experience in this area. Frank H and everyone else is absolutely right

I am a fireman and not too long ago I went to a call to some guys who were renting an apartment while they were in town doing road construction work. They were in a 3rd floor apt. One of the guys was cooking on the stove when he forgot about the grease and it started a very small fire in the kitchen. It was, however, big enough to set the sprinkler system off in the apt. The fire was extinguished by the sprinkler system. However, by the time we got there, brought a ladder up, set it up, and plugged the sprinkler heads, the WATER had caused significant damage to the apt and had seeped to the apts below through the ceilings and walls. (Water in electrical wiring.....not good). The apt manager was there and she said they had no renters insurance and would be responsible for ALL the damage. YIKES!!!!!

This is just one recent example and it just relates to the Financial factor of it. Not to mention the fact that you or someone else could be displaced from your home or seriously hurt if you accidentally started a fire (it happens, that's why they call them accidents). I'm sure you don't want any of this to happen.

There are reasons why there are rules about using grills at apts.

So, to sum this all up, as much as it sucks, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't do charcoal BBQ on your back porch. As everyone else suggested, go electric.

Sorry for the long winded post

