HeaterMeter with Live Video



New member
Just finished building my HeaterMeter (4.2.4) and I love it! Still waiting for my probes, but I had some time to play with it today. With our first child on the way and being an IT engineer, I wanted to make a minor improvement... live video so I can check on it remotely.

HeaterMeter Home page on iPad2 (640x480 camera feed)

Here is how I did it...

Trendnet IP551WI (You can use a different camera... I would recommend one that is supported by zoneminder) - I would also recommend a camera that is WiFi enabled so that you don't have to run Ethernet or USB on the Raspberry pi.

Modify the index.htm for heatermeter located at /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/linkmeter/index.htm and add the line in bold.

<div id="navcontainer">
<li><a href="/luci/admin/lm/home">Login</a></li><li><a href="/luci/admin/lm/alarm">Alarms</a></li><li><a href="/luci/admin/lm/archive">Archive</a></li><li><a href="/luci/admin/lm">Configuration</a></li>
<img src="">

I plan to open this up to the public for my next cook when my probes arrive :cool:

