TVWBB Super Fan
Hi All Who on here can build me a HeaterMetter? What would the cost be? This would be for my WSM 22
Thanks Dan
Thanks Dan
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Hi Are the HeaterMetters much better, then what is on the market right now..They sound sooooo complicated?
Thanks Dan
PS I see Auber also sells the HeaterMetters.
Hi I have a 22" WSM and a Shirley Fab 24 x 36 reverse flow stick burner..In would like to do over nights in the WSM and get better temp control in RF stick burner.
I haven't tried any thing yet, only did one over night in the WSM, went pretty good. Still can improve.
Was looking at Auber. http://www.auberins.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=14_27&products_id=396
and also the Digi Q https://www.bbqguru.com/storenav/gurucookerguide?DeviceModelId=181&kitId=57
Thanks Dan
PS the HM sounds so complicated?