Heat Shield Attachment Question


Lee Murrah

New member
I just bought a WSM and assembled it. However, I have a question about attaching the heat shield to the legs (the first step in the assembly). Is the heat shield supposed to be firmly attached? Mine sits on the tabs and comes off very easily.

I am doing an initial burn to cure it and calibrating the lid thermometer with digital thermometers today. It appears that the lid thermometer closely tracks the lower cooking grill while the upper grill is about 10 degrees hotter. is that what everyone else is finding?

I have heard good things about the WSM's burn time and am very excited to have it. My other smoker is stick burner, a New Braunfels/Oklahoma Joe Longhorn Deluxe horizontal. I have made some great barbecue with it, but temperatures are difficult to control. I will continue to use the horiztontal as well as the WSM.

I also plan to take the WSM in my motor home on RV trips. I think it is small enough to fit in the storage compartment or in my towed vehicle. I will put it in a plastic garbage bag to cut down on the mess, but I am looking for a canvas bag or similar as well to give it a bit more protection.
Welcome to the forum Lee. You will love it here, very helpful people and you will love the WSM

The shield is designed like that

As far as temps I find that my lid thermometer is all over the place depending on what I have on the upper grate, how long the lid is open, etc, etc.
A lot of people on here will tell you to learn to use it and others will tell you to get a digital thermometer. I am on the side of getting a good digital thermometer with grate and meat probes. There are so many uses for them.

The great thing about smoking great bbq is that its mostly forgiving and you can let you temps vary from 225 up to 275-300 and still produce great food!

If you do a little reading on here you will find posts with all the info you need on using the WSM. This is one of the friendliest bunch of people on any forum I am on.

Good luck!
Welcome to the Forum, Lee!

>>>This is one of the friendliest bunch of people on any forum I am on.<<<

I find that to be true, also. Great bunch of people with a high level of culinary skill (they know how to cook, too

I move my WSMs a lot, so I crimped the tabs that hold the heat shield with a pair of pliers so it stays on.
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