Happy Christmas to y'all!



TVWBB Member
Hi guys

It's been a while since I have posted here. I replaced my medium BGE with a Large, but it wook forever to install it, because I didn't want to buy the overpriced nest. Christmas was my hard deadline for a table build because I had promised my wife to smoke our Christmas ham. Day before yesterday I finally went to a hardware store and bought some 2x2, 2x4 and 1x5 and built a table for the new BGE. The build was pretty rough as I was in hurry, but at least it works :) Parts were about $75 where as the nest would have cost three times as much - at least here in Europe.

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas with these pictures. You can imagine the smell in our home when I brought this hickory smoked beautifulness inside :D

HeaterMeter worked beautifully - I kept the lid closed for the whole 19 hours. I was a bit worried that ham would be dry, but it was super, super moist. Yay! Degrees are in Centigrades.




Mmmmm... That looks amaze-balls! The only problem with serving such delicious fare is that you become a victim of your own success as more and more people decide to congregate at your place each year. :P lol

