Halloween HH brisket flat


Brandon A

TVWBB All-Star
Got the beast on the wsm about an hour ago, it is a large (I'd guess 7-8lb) choice brisket flat. I purchased it with a 30 day wet age already on it, then kept it in my dorm room fridge on the porch at ~34 degrees for another two weeks. Last night I decided to build a Halloween Rub, something different then the usual rub I use, just for fun. Since I decided to prep the night before I used a light mustard slather before rubbing.

I fired with RO and 4 big chunks of apple, and the wsm is about 275 and climbing. Heres a photo of the flat just put in the wsm.

The rest of the cook's photos will be uploaded to my photobucket. Updates will come as the cook progresses.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Bill E.:
What was Halloween Rub? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
In Brandon's post above he has the link for the Hallowween rub link, it's in blue and under-lined, just click on it.

You Brandon Bud, is it done yet?
Yeah guys, I had to take a couple days to let the disapointment subside
I really had a crappy cook. I updated the photos to show the end of the cook, but I was really not happy. My last 3 HH cooks were awesome, and I really thought I had it nailed, so I mixed it up and put together a "strange brew" rub got a little cocky LOL.

I didnt like the rub, and my brisket really had me guessing. During the unfoiled cook I was riding steady at ~340, all good right?.... The brisket was dripping like crazy and it smelled like I was searing ribeyes or something. Hard to complain right!? Every thing was good, I foiled and let her go another 90 min, checked for done, probe slid threw the thinner part of the flat like nothing (and poked a hole in my foil
) Yet it was still pretty tough in the thick part. So I start panicing and removed the flat before all the juices ran out. I double wrapped and stuck it in the microwave for a little over an hour....my thoughts were to let it cook in the foil to get the thick part tender. I ended up with a thin side that was crumble tender ( I couldent slice with my knife, but the electric worked) and dry, and some sliceable stuff in the thick side that was also on the dry side...all with a crappy rub. I was pretty bummed and just couldent bring myself to post about it till tonight...thank you vodka.

Not to worry Brandon: it happens to all the guys!

Seriously, when you experiment you are pushing the edge of the envelope. Didn't turn out? Meh, move on and keep soldierin'.

