Guy Fawkes Night BBQ Party


Graham Timson

New member
Every November the 5th in England we celebrate Guy Fawkes Night, sometimes referred to as Bonfire night. This is to celebrate the unsuccessful attempt by Mr Guy Fawkes to blow up the Houses of Parliament (Gun Powder plot as it was known in the early 1600s) the idea is, we create a big bonfires either at home or more commonly now in some community area. Fireworks are let off and an effigy of Guy Fawkes is thrown on the bonfire. In recent years H&S considerations have tended to mean that it is not so common to burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes or the “Guy” as it became popularly named. In my youth, we as children used to walk the streets early evening before dark a few days prior to November the 5th with our creation a kind of scarecrow meant to represent Guy Fawkes usually wheeled around in a wheelbarrow. We would ask passers by for a penny for the Guy; really it was to spend on Fireworks. The point being it is an autumn outdoor party in England and marks the final run in to winter.

I think I should now get to the point for those still with me, sorry about the pre-amble. Being someone never to pass up on an opportunity to get family and friends together to eat and drink, this year on November the 5th I intend to BBQ. I have done it once before but only in very simple English style i.e. Burgers, Sausages, fried onions and Jacket potatoes (baked) and or bread rolls with HP sauce and English Mustard. Perhaps some mulled wine and loads of real ale, followed by apple pie and custard or jam doughnuts and finally for some, cups of tea. The whole thing is usually over by about 9pm because it really is a children’s thing.

This year will be a very different experience for my 20 or so quests because it will be an American style BBQ with smoked Brisket and Ribs and maybe pulled Pork. I need to be very well organised because I will have a lot going on and of course it will be after dark. I have already cooked a 10Lb Brisket using the high heat method for the first time. Though it was trimmed by the butcher more than my previous 20 hour cooked Brisket it looked good and I have sliced it up and then frozen the slices. The Brisket tasted good too with the Texas BBQ rub that Erik on this board, kindly exported to me. Though there was no problem with the point, the flat has turned out very slightly dry but not tough thankfully. I intend to cook the ribs this weekend and freeze also. I would like to ask some advice or suggestions please.

As far as the Brisket is concerned I am really not sure how I should reheat it and what I can use to generate some moisture to avoid it seeming a little dry in the rolls.

The point part, together with some lightly burnt ends I was going to serve with No5 sauce, so do you think as a sauce that will be okay? The flat slices worry me most as I need to reheat them without drying them further. My guest are not used to hot beef in rolls with a smoked lightly spiced flavour, generally here beef is roasted and served with a gravy and horseradish sauce or eaten cold with salad. I have even contemplated making a conventional gravy. Also I will need to think about the ribs, is it better to cut them into individual ribs to freeze and then heat them in the oven covered by foil. Anyone who has read all this and has some suggestions and advice I would love for you to chip in.
Graham, sounds like a fun time. for the brisket slices and point, I would through some sauce on them and wrap in foil and heat them up on the grill or the oven (depending on the thickness of the sauce, you may want to thin out the sauce a little bit to help bring the moisture back into the meat). For the ribs I would keep them whole and do the same thing as the brisket, sauce,foil, then reheat. After they are reheated then you can cut into individual ribs. Good luck, I am sure everything will be great.
Graham, This method works very well for re-heating briskets. If you don't have a foodsaver you can use the Ziploc double seal/lock freezer bags and work as much of the air out as you possibly can. Don't use the slide zipper bags though, as they can leak water in. Link to my brisket re-heating method HTH
Bill S / I do not have a foodsaver, I foiled at 162 degrees total cook time was 4hr 35min
Bill G/ Thanks for the suggestions
Bryan/ Thanks for the info and the links, I will get reading now.

