Guardians of the Grill


Greg in Utah

I can’t be the only one that has a Security & Quality Control Department to oversee my outdoor cooking adventure. Let’s see your grill guards and smoker security team members.



No squirrels, rabbits, ravens, deer, moose or elk have ever stolen meat off my cookers with these 2 on duty.
None to report. Our cat sometimes follows me out to see what I'm doing, but all he really wants is to be fed or have his ears scratched.
The Aussie was off duty when I took this. In addition to protection detail, she’s also part of the cleaning crew. She loves to lick the grates. The Black and White Wondermutt (on duty) just turned 14!!!!


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One day I was taking some cheeseburger sliders off the grill and I overshot the plate with one patty. It fell to the ground right in front of the pug. She sucked that thing down so fast. Lol.

Ever since that day I have a DEVOTED grill companion. Which, honestly I can't blame her.... If I was walking down the street and a cheeseburger fell from the sky, I'd STILL be in that same spot too. Lol.

I was cooking some chicken, carrots, and cauliflower stakes on the kettle tonight and a piece of the cauliflower slices broke off am I took it to eat as normal and gave Hazel a piece of it. She ate it but she gave me a look that let me know she knew that was not the good stuff.

