Grilled Thighs with Campfire Potatoes


Mike Coffman

TVWBB Olympian
Wanted something quick and easy for dinner tonight while waiting for my four pork butts
to finish on the WSM. So decided to make my version of campfire potatoes. This was potatoes,
peppers, onions, mushrooms and butter seasoned with Penzeys Adobe, Penzeys Forward and
some garlic pepper. Put onto the grill with a few cherry chunks. (No picture)

Thighs were marinated for about 6 hours with 2 different types of marinade.

Thighs joined the potatoes on the grill with a temp of 350.

Thighs and potatoes are done!

Here’s your plate!

Good quick meal! Thighs were a little bit fatty since I didn’t trim them like I should
before putting them on, but other than that they tasted great and were crispy!
Potatoes were also delicious and I think next time I will add some cheese to the mix
right before they are done.

Thanks for looking!
Holy yum, Mike! I think I might have to talk my wife in to moving to Southeast Georgia! You're killin' me with all these great lookin' cooks.

Fantastic job, and again, I hope the pork butt cook and fund raiser turn out great!
Thanks Ed! Butts are resting, will be pulling shortly. Took 12 1/2 hours for the last one to finish will be posting the finished pictures sometimes tonight!
Terrific looking bird and spuds Mike!!

You're giving Mr Lampe a run for his money with the number of weekly cooks on a Weber!
Nice cook! I just picked up some of the mojito lime mix the other day but I have not tried it yet!!

