Grilled Chicken with White Barbecue Sauce

A little late but we did have this for dinner tonight. DH made the full sauce recipe and we have a lot left over. Any suggestions other than chicken to use it on? Of course it was very good. We had it with Raichlens "Grilled Corn in the Style of Oaxaca". (our 16th time)
DH asked the other day for the recipe for this white sauce he was just using up. He really likes it and wanted to make some more. After going crazy looking, I found it Guess what's for dinner tonight? 🥰
Joan, funny I have the Way To Grill Book and have book marked the same recipe about a year ago, just ran across this tread. I see you really liked it so having forgot about it. I'm going to bump it up on the menu and give it a try.
Rich, did you ever try this recipe?
No, I haven't. Lets just say life got in the way. Seems like I don't have time to do anything I want to do anymore. Plus it's to da@@ cold here still for my 76 year old bones to get out and grill. Another pain in the petunia, this winter just won't end.
But yes, believe it or not the JW book is still sitting on my desk awaiting it's turn almost two year later. Hopefully soon.
End of rant:

This is what we are going to have for dinner tonight. You know me, couldn't wait to post it. lol

Grilled Chicken with White Barbecue Sauce

1 1/2 cups mayonnaise
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 TB. coarse ground pepper
1 TB. spicy brown mustard
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. horseradish

1 TB. dried thyme
1 TB. dried oregano
1 TB . ground cumin
1 TB. paprika
1 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
10 chicken thighs (3 lb. total)

1. SAUCE: Stir together all sauce ingredients until well blended.
2. CHICKEN: Combine first 7 ingredients. Rinse chicken and pat dry. Rub mixture over chicken. Place chicken in a zip-top plastic bag, seal and refrigerate for 4 hours. Remove chicken from bag.
3. Grill chicken, covered, over medium-high heat for 8 to 10 minutes on each side. Serve with sauce.

Source: John Wayne Way to Grill - 2015
Hope you're using Duke's mayonnaise pilgrim! :D :D :D
No, I haven't. Lets just say life got in the way. Seems like I don't have time to do anything I want to do anymore. Plus it's to da@@ cold here still for my 76 year old bones to get out and grill. Another pain in the petunia, this winter just won't end.
But yes, believe it or not the JW book is still sitting on my desk awaiting it's turn almost two year later. Hopefully soon.
End of rant:
Rich, DH cooked the chicken tonight in the toaster oven. It was delicious. PLEASE try it soon. 🥰

