Greetings from Southern Md.


Dan Murphy

New member
I want to say thanks. Thanks to you folks, I am now the rotisserie chicken king in the household.
Yep, even broke the long standing new years eve. dinner tradition of surf and turf with chicken.
I wish my introduction came with the news of a long lusted for large WSM, but, I hope to curb my thoughts with what I got.
I love my performer over the seven years, but it falls short on capacity when slow smoking bluefish.
Deck really is not large enough for another grill, smoker, so I was told.
I somehow found a drum after thanksgiving, and set to thinking, drinking and cutting in hopes of a extension ring to add to my Performer.
Somewhere in, ummmm, the extension ring got a rotisserie installed, and a initial test was run. Quick and simple, Stubbs Chicken rub, two 6 lb. chicks and, Dang, did I do that? I was not sure if they were really so good, or we were really hungry as the cook time was longer than expected, but they were picked over and out as soon as they came off the spit.
Question here, seems recipe's call for a two to four lb. chicken? Are they better for a spin than a larger chicken in the six to seven lb. range?
Son and Daughter to be were here on the Sunday before Christmas, so to make sure the initial test run was not a fluke, I did a second cook of three, 6lb chicks, with a Peruvian recipe found online. Holy mackerel, I had a few neighbors ask me what was on the grill as I walked the dogs while the chickens spun.
Wow, what a smell. And the chicken was again attacked as soon as it came off the spit. I got a feel of how long they take now. It was the hours of smelling these things cook and man O man.
Needless to say, the menu for News Years eve dinner was Chicken.
Thanks to everyone that takes the time to post here.
Any suggestions on a easy BEEF rotisserie recipe?
Happy New Year to all
Not sure how yet to upload photo's, so I will try the initial test run cook for a test.
the ring is a third of the 55 ga. drum. I intended it for a smoke ring, so, only two holes in it for the spit, no slots. Holes to be covered by the bus. card type magnets. Luckily my son took a few pics while we did the cook at the shop. Not very good photo's, and the ring is in mock-up mode, handles, etc.
Welcome aboard Dan! Nice looking set up! Was that a homemade rotisserie? I don't
think I have ever seen one like you have.
thanks for the greetings guys.
Mike, the spit was from Grillmark, thru Ace Hardware. Its a breeze to use. No rod to run thru, no forks to deal with etc.
I found the spit on clearance on Ace's site. I ordered three, for around 9bucks each. I picked them up and set them aside for about a week before really looking closely at them. Dumb me, I went back to the site to order more but they have vanished, I can't even find a picture of them.
I have cooked seven chickens, and a 11lb turkey breast. None were trussed. The spit does leave a few grill marks in the skin, just a appearance thing.
hello dan - and welcome from a new member also. my only suggestion on rotis beef is to get a high grade of a good quality cut (usda prime or high choice of a rib primal or even part of a shortloin primal :) ) and use a little salt and pepper only. the natural marbling/juices constantly basting the beef as it rotates will make it taste incredible and better than any spice mix.

oh, and pecan wood.

send pics!

don't lift the lid....

