Grates 18.5


Joel Goodwin

New member
Ok...Is it necessary for me to clean the cooking grates after each smoke? I just got finished cleaning them in the sink and made a HUGE mess. I want them to last as long as possible but dont know if cleaning them is better than leaving them dirty. Thoughts?

Well, there’s cleaning and then there’s cleaning. If you scrub down your grates with a wire brush after a cook, they should be fine. I run my wire brush over my grates and then burn them off over the hot coals at the end of my cook.
Same messy problem here. I clean with wire brush. If things are pretty bad, I clean outside with Dawn, rag, and water hose.

I recently bought some Grill and Surface Cleaner at Home Depot. Haven't tried it yet. Directions are to spray and let it penetrate for a minute then scrub with wire brush and wipe off. I have my doubts about the stuff but thought I'd give it a try.
Thanks all, I made a big mess with a scotch bright, dawn, and my kitchen sink. Didnt know if there was an easier way or if it would kill them not to be shiny and new before each cook. I may just hit them with my grill brush and call it a day! Thanks for the replies!
Aww c'mon man! Jus scrape'um with a wire brush and they're good for your next session.
Ya think you're gonna get sick from what's left on there??!!
jiminyCrickets guys, this is Griullin' & Quein'! Ya only get sick if ma-in-law cooks your que!
I warm them up on the Performer the next day (or a few days later when doing a grillin' session) and wirebrush'm and call it good.
Let them cool, stick back in the smoker and put the cover on it, roll back in the shed until next time.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jim Lampe:
Aww c'mon man! Jus scrape'um with a wire brush and they're good for your next session.
Ya think you're gonna get sick from what's left on there??!!
jiminyCrickets guys, this is Griullin' & Quein'! Ya only get sick if ma-in-law cooks your que!

Jim, my mother in law would NEVER cook my que!!!!

I should know better though...ive literally burned over a ton of Kingsford in my kettle over the past 5 years and never replaced the grates...I guess I just get wrapped up in the "newness" of my WSM.
I spray mine with grill cleaner in a large trash bag in the backyard and then hose off. I would never try to clean in the kitchen sink, big mess!
I started with OxyClean and that worked great, but my wife didn't like not being able to not use her stationary tub when the grill was in there. So, I threw them on the gas grill at high heat and tried scraping. Didn't like this too much, since the charred stuff tended to build up (and it became a vicious cycle).

Bought a new top 18.5" rack and am back to using OxyClean. Wife will have to deal........
I tried that once too. Way eaiser to just give it a quick brushing when you are done while its still hot. For alot of stuff stuck on pop it on top of the coals for a few then brush off. I forgot my grate on the coals and re assembled my wsm to snuff the coals. Dident realize till the next day Warped my grate a little

