Grate vs lid temp differential



New member
Hi there

I'm doing a cook using a maverick wireless grate temperature probe and it is showing about a 50 degree difference from the lid thermometer. Oddly enough the grate temp is higher than the lid temp. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

What gives and which do I believe?

Should have mentioned that this is on a 18.5" WSM, with Kingsford blue briquettes, Minion method (probably poorly done).

Thanks in advance
I'd go with the grate temp reported by the Maverick. To be sure, you can do the boil test on the Maverick to check for accuracy. Boil a pan of water on the stove and stick the tip of the Maverick into it. Should read approximately 212 degrees.
My grate lid temp is always lower than the grate. Smoke cools as it rises right? What you should care about is the temp near the food
Brian, 2 demerits for the same post in 2 forums. :D
Assuming the Mav is working correctly, put tape over the lid therm and don't be concerned with minor variances between the mav therm and your target. (like about 25*)
Thanks for the quick replies. I'm inclined to trust the Maverick as well, but I was surprised it was higher than the lid temp.

Dave/G - sorry about the same post in two forums. Demerit points earned!

on my 22.5 WSM the lid temp is always 30-40 degrees lower. I am pretty sure it isn't close to accurate, I have used 3 different maverick probes (tested) inches away from each other on the grates and they are within 4-5 degrees of each other and lid temp is way lower.

I think it is cooler at the top as well, but I also think at least my lid thermometer is not very accurate.
If you go to the operating tips on the main page Chris has an article about the grate temperature. Cooler at the lid than the top grate.

