Gotta get this one right!

She's done!

Just pulled 'er off at 199°, 5 minutes before my target time to pull.
She's resting in a double layer of foil in the WSM with all the vents closed.

I'll let 'er rest till 'bout 5:15 or 5:30, then pull, chop, and leave for the party.

I was originally worried about the smoker temperature, but guess what...for the times that I logged the temps, the average smoker temp was 247.57°. Is that close enough to 250° for ya?

1.55 hrs/lb. I would have thought it would have taken longer, but I guess starting out at higher temps than I wanted had a lot to do with it.

The hard part is over, now let's just cross our fingers that the wife's family will like the Q and my sauces.
BTW, I made everything for this cook, just for them. I made the rub, the sauces, and cooked the meat.
I'll let you know how dinner goes.
My Boston Butt was a big success!!

It yielded about 5 lbs, and I brought home a little over a pound after they lined up to take some home.
My/Steve's sauces were also a big hit, especially my hot version of his Lexington sauce.

A large time was had by all.
Congratulations! Glad it all turned out well. You know, though, that you'll be asked to do this every Christmas from here on now, right?!
Originally posted by adam clyde:
Congratulations! Glad it all turned out well. You know, though, that you'll be asked to do this every Christmas from here on now, right?!
Never thought about that!
Oh well, they're a good bunch...even your 'in-laws' grow on ya after 35 years. We've been through a lot together.

Thanks to everyone who discussed this with me.
Discussion is a great way to discover issues and ways to resolve them.

I enjoyed this thread and felt your anxiety...
... you're exactly right...

"Discussion is a great way to discover issues and ways to resolve them."


gland to be alive
Originally posted by Charles Howse:
Never thought about that!
Oh well, they're a good bunch...even your 'in-laws' grow on ya after 35 years.

Yea, like a fungus lol.
Just joking, I had a great time at my Inlaws Christmas day. Asked if they would want something smoked next year....nope, tradition rules. Ham and Turkey in the oven. Now New Years eve is another story.

I'm really glad it worked for you. I know what you mean about in-law pressure. We went down to Oregon for Thanksgiving. My 35 year old son and myself did baby back ribs for 21 the night before Thanksgiving. My son lives in Oregon and brought his WSM. On Thanksgiving I smoked a turkey and he fried a turkey. We were a big hit with all.

We avoided any cooking stress by tapping a keg from a local microbrew before lighting the first briquet. The keg lasted the entire weekend inspite of the best efforts of my brothers-in-law.

Thanks Griff,
The "Behind the Scenes Story" on this cook is that the wife and daughter were sick as a dog with a stomach virus, and I was the only one walking at the time.
I didn't need any help with the cook, but it would have been nice for them to be able to go to the party with me.


I'm feeling sluggish today, I'm going to try rebooting myself...
[root@larry /]# shutdown -r now

