Got Two Butts for my first ever smoke! (Cook is DONE pics are linked)

They're doing good, Steve.
You just have to wait out the plateau.
My experience is that once they get on the "other" side of the plateau, the temp rises fairly quick.
Maybe it won't be long.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Mike Batsarisakis:

The suspense is killing me. What's going on now. Are they ready? How did they come out? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's 10AM here... still cooking away. Both butts are in the 170-175 range after taking a few measurements in each. WSM lid temp is about 230-235 and has been steady for about 2 hours now.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Mike Batsarisakis:
It looks like you refueld once. Did you add any smoke wood on your refuel? What were your target temp.s both lip and butts?

Mike B. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I did not add wood when I added fuel. I read on here that the smoke doesn't really do much when meat temps get much above 140. The butts had a good crust on them already.... I didn't think the wood could add much.

I plan to pull the butts at 190-195. I was trying and still am trying to keep lid temp 225-250.

I have a question for the experts too... I added a little less then 1/2 a lit, blazing chimney at 7:00AM.... it's now 10:25AM and I'm having to add another 1/2 chimney. Even will all vents open... It has slipped below 225.

I think I'll go through about 20# of original Kingsford in this one cook. Is that normal or excessive? It's in the mid 60s and sunny here although overnight it was damp and about 45-50. At 5:30AM we had a quick thunderstorm (my cooker is/was under a covered porch).

When you reach your target temp on the butts between 190 to 195, do you have to hold that temp for any period of time or are they considered done and you can take them off as soon as they reach the target temp? I was never too sure about that. Mike
If that is the old kingsford, 20 lbs seems like a lot. I don't know about the new stuff as I haven't used it in the wsm as of yet. Maybe the lit chimney was "too lit" and accelerated the fuel usage.

Right now I use lump for just about all, but when I was using (old)kingsford before, I don't think I ever had to refuel.

Not sure about how many pounds I use to use, but I would guess it was around half of the old 24 lb bag.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by craig castille:
If that is the old kingsford, 20 lbs seems like a lot. I don't know about the new stuff as I haven't used it in the wsm as of yet. Maybe the lit chimney was "too lit" and accelerated the fuel usage.

Right now I use lump for just about all, but when I was using (old)kingsford before, I don't think I ever had to refuel.

Not sure about how many pounds I use to use, but I would guess it was around half of the old 24 lb bag. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I was wondering if I let it ash over too long. I didn't pay much attention to how long it was going. I am using the OLD Kingsford (I have a stash of it in the basement.).

Seems like the butts are comming along fast now. They are both about 180-183. I have the cooler ready with towls in it and plan to wrap it and I'll let it rest an hour or so while I go get fresh rolls.

I hope this is good stuff that is all worth my time/lack of beauty sleep
It's worth the time. If this is your first time withh butts, you will be amazed.

You can hold the butts in a dry cooler for 4 hours easily.
Well, the small one is DONE! I pulled it after taking several different temp readings. Ended up with an average temp when pulled of 192. The larger one is averaging about 188... I'll leave it on till it hits 190-195.

After it rests in the cooler (wrapped tight in foil) for about an hour, I'll start pulling and will post the rest of the pics then.

Thanks for helping my get through my first smoke guys!!

As Craig notes, you can rest longer if you wish or need to.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> I read on here that the smoke doesn't really do much when meat temps get much above 140. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>It does. Smokering formation quits (smokerings have nothing to do with smoke flavor though) but smoke continues to be deposited on the meat as long as it is present. Meat does not really absorb smoke.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> Is that normal or excessive? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>That's high for me but I would not be concerned at all. It is also extremely rare that I ever add fuel but slight variations in approach often have not so slight ramifications farther on and can easily account for fuel use differences. Not an issue.

Enjoy your dinner!
IT IS AWESOME! My wife is pulling it as I type this stealing as much as she shreads!

Ready to take off and foil
Cooks Done!

Starting to pull (and sample!) It is SO tender that it almost falls apart... it's not really pulling... just falling apart.

Here is the small butt all pulled (minus two sandwiches)
Ready for the roll
Wile this is your first cook going by temp is a good idea. However, take note of how the therm goes in with resistance or no resistance. When your therm slides right through with no resistance its done no matter what the temp. This has happened to me at a temp of 182 to 200. Every but is a little different.
I noticed that... I mentioned to my wife that there was basically no resistance when inserting the thermo. I could tell it was REALLY tender inside.
Very good job, Steve! Can you email me a sammie?


You might be a redneck if...
You’ve ever spent one of your honeymoons in a Graceland jail.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Charles Howse:
Very good job, Steve! Can you email me a sammie?


You might be a redneck if...
You’ve ever spent one of your honeymoons in a Graceland jail. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I could, but it wouldn't taste good after you printed it out!

HOURS later, I'm still thinking about how great the first cook went and looking fwd to the next!

I plan to do 4 butts next time.

I'm also thinking about getting a guru, so I can sleep while it cooks.

