Got this for free


Joshua T

New member
I got this grill free from a friend. I'm going to be swapping out my old charbroil for this weber. It has 2 sets of those trigangle things above the 3 burners. What do they do and how do I clean them?


Hi Joshua,
Welcome to the VWBB!
Those traingular pieces ae called "Flavorizer Bars". If they are in good condition but just crusty, you can heat them up and brush them with a wire brush. (Don't burn yourself)
Or you can try some Easy Off oven cleaner. Lay them out on some old newspaper. Follow the directions and beware of the fumes.
If they are shot, replacements are available online or in most decent hardware stores. ACE hdware is Weber delaer. Some are porcelain coated, others are stainless steel. The latter being the more desirable. Do you have the owners manual? If not you can find it at If you are handy enough, the serial number should be located on or under the plate that has the control knobs on them. The serial number enables you to find parts and manuals veery easy. Also, if youa re cleaning it and it hasn't been used in a while, beware of spiders. They like to hide inside the burner tubes. So much that Weber has installed small plastic vents on the burner tubes to try and keep them out. Read the manual on how to clean them. Beware that they are plastic and break easily. They're cheap enough, but you probably need to order them,so be advised that Weber charges a flat rate price for shipping. Ocasionally they will have a promotion for free shipping, just keep an eye out on this site, someome will post it.
One last thing, when you get it going, be sure to post some pics of that grill in action!
Good Luck and Happy Queing!
Thanks for the advice. I'm glad you told me where the serial number is hidden. Now I'll search for it tonight after work so I can get to work on a fresh grill. I know easy off so I'll use that if I can't scrap them clean. Why are the porcelain coated ones more desireable? I have a small smoker box in my old grill, should I use it on top of those bars?
Thee SS are more desirable. I might have worded it wrong. They last longer as the prcelain coted wil eventually fail. You don;t need to buy genuine Weber either. There is lots for sale on eBay. There is a guy here in the SFO Bay Area who makes and sells a better quality SS bar. He is high, but they will last forever.
If you are using a smoker box, you could just set it on top of the grill. Weber even made a smoke box insert for the gas grills.
Hope that clarifies.
One last thing, before you go spending a bunch of money, do a thorough inspection, including hooking up some propane and test for leaks.
Make sure the propane hose is not worn or cracked.
It can cost quite a bit to rebuild if it needs some of the more expensive parts.

I would test it without the flavor bars. That way you can see how the burners are working.
Looks like I'l be rebuilding this just in case of any problems I'll find. I'll just replace the simple parts I can get locally that way I'm sure it'll fire up. Thanks again for the help AJ.
You're welcome Joshua, Most likely it will only need a few things and be good to go.
From the pics you posted, it looks to be in good condition.
I looked under the knobs but didn't see any serial plate. There were 2 holes that looked like they could have been rivit holes so it might be missing.
Great news!!!!!!!!!! I decided to hook up the quick release tank and guess what it fired up on the first click. Now just to clean off the grates and grill and it's all good. I'm stoked and the temp gauge worked fine too. Temp went right up to 500 quickly.
That is good to hear. You should find the manual for it, lots of good info in them. The serial number is not on a plate. Its a sticker attached under the panel that goes under the knobs.
I notice in your pic, that the small metal bracket is not attached. Its the "Manifold suppot bracket."
You should be able to figure out where it goes form this manual. Keep in mind it is probably not the exact same as yours.
Silver Manual
Hi Joshua,
Welcome to TVWBB and I hope you enjoy your new gasser. I have a couple that are a little newer (2000 and 2001) and they seem to be pretty durable. There are some parts that are consumables like the grate and flavorizer bars and in your case, perhaps the wooden parts. If you can replace grates and flavorizers with SS parts when needed, they should last a lot longer. You need to watch Craigslist and eBay for good deals on them.

If you're lucky, the previous owner already did the upgrade. I got lucky and Genesis Silver B that I got had the SS parts. The grate on yours looks pretty light colored in the picture so perhaps it is SS.

If you remove the burners, be careful with the crossover tube as it can be brittle and can crack easily. (DAMHIK!)

Well I just flipped the grill on it's side and there's no decal. It looks like there was one on the side of the knob but it's faded badly. Oh well. The while strip on the side was the label so it's unreadable.
No worries on the serial #.
Just browse through the Weber manuals until you find the info you need.
Any part you likely need can be figured out with a tape measure and a Knowledgeable Weber dealer.
Just cook on it already!
Well my grill ran out of fuel and there's a problem. My grill has the old quick detachment and the hose is a different male end and all I can find at Home Depot are the females. Anyone know where I can find the right connector now? What do I do with the old tank?
The first piece might work but I looked it up and I need a 7503. HD and Lowes don't carry them so I'll see if there is an Ace local or just buy it from Weber. Thanks for the help Hank.
Personally, I'd get the new regulator and use a standard connection. That way you won't have the extra step of the adaptor and imo a safer connection. For $20 it's cheap insurance.
Just go to u-haul and get your tank filled. Ask for the fill-and-grill deal. Which is $1-2 off. Or google search u-haul fill and grill and print the coupon to take with you. But they can fill a quick disconnect type tank no problem.

