My buddy who competes and wins in the BBQ circuit tells me that he does his Boston Butts over briquettes until they reach an internal temperature of 140-150, pulls them and wraps them in heavy foil and finishes them in a 200 degree over for 6 to 8 more hours. They come out "like buttah."
Does anybody else finish in the oven? I guess at 140 to 150 internal, they've been over the briquettes for around 4 to 6+ hours and so no more smoke flavor will be possible, so why not transfer to the oven?
I may try this next time. Thoughts?
Does anybody else finish in the oven? I guess at 140 to 150 internal, they've been over the briquettes for around 4 to 6+ hours and so no more smoke flavor will be possible, so why not transfer to the oven?
I may try this next time. Thoughts?