Congrats on the grill! Looks to be a Genesis Gold C from 2000 - 2001. the first two characters on the serial number are letters and might be DD or DA. The model number should be listed on the sticker as well. If you post a pic of the sticker, perhaps it can be enhanced and the numbers could be made out.
As Reggie said, the front tube looks like it has split. The cross over tube looks to be toast as well. I'd definitely replace all the burner tubes. How are the flavorizer bars and the grates ? Solid ? Or rusted out and falling apart >?
BTW, just to save some hassle down the road, look a tthe photo showing the burner tubes. See the little screws on the left of the front and rear tubes ? DON'T try to remove them. To remove the tubes, you pull off the knobs, undo the screws on the control panel and lift the control panel off. Unscrew the two wing nuts shown in the next to last photo. Slide the manifold to the right and the burner orifices will slide out of the burner tubes. Then, pull the burner tubes out the side of the grill. Those screws on the left don't hold the burner tubes down. Rather, they keep the tubes from sliding from front to back. Some gunk might have built up between the flat end of the tubes and the screws, so it might take a little force to pull the tubes out. That or spray some degreaser on the screws to help release the tubes.