Going to try a high-heat cook on my Mini



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Never done a high heat, hoping for temps > 350
Going to cook this chicken with a beer in the rear on high heat. I've got lots of wood slivers hoping it will bring the heat up fast
Any suggestions for this cook. I question having the can in... Planning on cooking at 4PM today (Pacific)



Almost forgot, forgoing the defuser since my pot is drilled, not cut
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if you have trouble getting the temps up, offset the lid just a little....like you didn't put it on right. I hope to build a mini someday. Those are some of my favorite tortilla chips too
Not getting the temps I wanted, did the lid trick stuck just under 300. According to the probes, chicken is 120
are you relying on the lid thermometer for pit temp? I'm not certain, but the chicken could be cooling the air before it hits the thermometer stem. I'm sure it'll turn out good - post pics though so we can offer harsh judgement ;)
I had 3 dial thermometers running, it was pretty clear I didn't get the temp I wanted. None the less, it tasted great, just not going to win any beauty contests...





It's been my experience that juices dripping on the coals of the mini will really drop the temp and have had better luck keeping higher temps with the drip pan in.
That's good to know, thanks Greg. I'm try this again, the hot-fast cooks when done right, look great

