Goin' for it. First Brisket cook w'pics

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Funny ROBO
Can't wait for finished picks. I did one the same size last weekend...it came out great. Remember, let that bad boy rest for at least 2hrs. 4hrs is ideal! The meat will re-absorb the jucie and be soooooo tender!!!
Having a little trouble with the temperature.

Seems to want to stay at 245. It's stayed there for 30 minutes despite reducing the vents from about 35 % to 25%.

It's my first time using the Minion method so I'm still experimenting.

Currently have the vents at 25% and the lid at 100.

I'm about to turn the vents down to 12.5%.
It is?

I thought everything I read said 225 to 230.

For what it's worth I'm 2 and a half hours into the cook and my probe temp is 132.
245 is perfect if your talking lid temp. You can subtract 15 degrees from that to get a ball park grate temp. Let us know how it tasted.
Larry, Larry, Larry...haven't you learned your lesson yet about picking other peoples teams?...lol <joking>

I think we are all in for a lesson learned when the Eagles come around. This will be ugly.
That's gonna stick!

Nice looking brisket.
I like the countertops too.

Howdit turn out ?

I just pulled half a brisket off.
One half is pastrami with no cure, the other is just brisket. I've got two poussin in at the moment, as well, gonna try a variant of Shawn's mango glaze.
So Rob, did I miss dinner? If so what time can I drop by for leftovers? Guess I'll just have to hitch a ride with the next Florida Hurricane that's heading north LOL.
No problem Matt,

There are plenty of leftovers and the way your weather's been this year I'm sure you'll be here in no time.

I'm happy to report the brisket tasted really good. The flat section might have been a little drier than I would have liked but given all the problems with this cook I won't complain.

I posted the finished pics. Including the shot of the smoker after the explosion. Man you should have been there ash all over the place.

But all's well that ends well. Here's the link:

Ooops sorry ran into a technical problem. I'll add the link later tonight.

Nice looking product nonetheless. Also, sweet picture of the post MT ST Helens.

My only constuctive comment is that from what I can see on your pics...it looks like you cut the meat or some of it with the grain vice across the grain. You tend to get a more tender cut if you cut it across the grain. You'd have to separate the flat and point and then cut them separately since the muscle on both go in slightly different directions. Eitherway...I wish I was there to sample the spoils of your cook
Thanks for the pics.
Yeah. I noticed that too. It was weird. I tried cutting it from 2 different directions and it seemed no matter what I did it was with the grain.

And for what it's worth I thought the flat might have been a little more tender but couldn't tell if that was the meat, the problems with the cook or the slicing.

Anyway we're splitting hairs. It tasted great. I used a sauce recipe Susan Z posted a while back. I'm going to pay a lot of attention to her posts. She's given great advice.
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