Go Niners! Homage to Golden Boy Pizza coming up.

Hmm not sure if I’ve had golden boy pizza, if imdid it would have been late night after a night in the city! Looks great
Look's good, but this couldn't be done on the E6?
Likely. But I was watching the Niners on TV and the SF Giants on cell phone and didn’t want to do the in n out of checking the grill. The oven was just easier. And I was texting my SEA buddy all game, until we doofed it up.
The cook....temps, times, me paying attention ect.....was all terrible.
It still came out pretty good.
Pulled at 157.


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Recipe Please!!!
This recipe was for a thinner crust in a standard 1/2 sheet pan. We prefer thinner as we want less bread carbs. I will follow this with a regular recipe or a thicker, more traditional crust.

thin crust 1/2 sheet pan receive:
g 00 flourgrams305
g semolina rimacinatagrams86
ml watergrams242
g EVOOgrams4
g tsp saltgrams7
g tsp active dry yeastgrams2

mix all the ingredients, with water being cold, say 65 degrees or so, into a mixer and gently bring this dough together. once the dough is formed, you needn't over knead it in the kitchenaid mixer. the goal is to keep the dough cool, not hot. remove the dough from the mixer and knead by hand by stretching the dough into itself (folding it over an stretching it into itself to form a ball. once the dough feels elastic, not overly stretched, lay it into a lightly oiled sheetpan. cover it with another oiled sheetpan and plastic wrap it so the top stays atop the bottom pan and the dough expands horizontally. let dough rise in the pan on your kitchen counter for 4 hours. after the dough has risen, gently press the center of the dough to the outside edges of the pan by pushing the dough with your fingertips and moving the air to the outer edges of the now rectangular dough. re-cover and let dough right for one hour. ensure the dough is stretched to the edges and then fork poke the dough throughout the pan. this will aid in its cooking. apply your tomato sauce, lightly onto the dough and bake in a 450 degree oven for 20 minutes or until the dough edges begin to lightly brown. remove cooked dough and add additional sauce, lightly, and then cheese and any topping you desire. place back in 450 degree oven and bake for 20 minutes or until cheese is to your color/liking. we prefer darker, cripsoer cheese so we do a longer cook. if you like white and cheesy cheese, a shorter cooktime will be in order. when done, remove from oven and let cool for 5 mins so the cheese sets. using a metal spatula, gently separate the pizza from the sheetpan. cut as you desire. crack a cold one or sip some red nd enjoy your pizza!

if you seek a thicker dough, use this recipe. it's basically 33% more dough ingredients:

g 00 flourgrams457
g semolina rimacinatagrams129
ml watergrams363
g EVOOgrams6
g tsp saltgrams10
g tsp active dry yeastgrams3

Notes: I like to add the semolina rimacinata flour as it creates a little more crunch in the dough. you can fo straight 00 Caputo flour if you like.I DO NOT like nor use any other flour for pizza except Caputo. so i cannot convert AP flours or king arthur or other US brands. for reference, you can cut the 969 grams recipe into thirds and make 12" round pizzas with this dough as well. this dough was originally made for rounds and I remade it for sheetpans. use my pics as your guide for doneness. hopefully they'll be of value to you.

if you want to go next level on pans, these guys make the industry standard. i'll be pciking some of these up soon (note there are different sizes available)


