Getting Blues Hog Sauce in Toronto, Canada


James Harvey

When I go to the site the shipping is $123 to Toronto. Can't justify this. Does anyone know where I can get this in Toronto or shipped without a crazy cost?
No idea, James, but have you tasted the stuff?

I've used the regular and the TN red, and they're both so dang sweet. I mean, REALLY sweet. Yes, there's a unique flavor there that's intriquing, but the sauces are still VERY sweet. Guess I got my point across.
Thanks Dave. I haven't. My plan is to doctor it with some sour and heat a la Harry Soo and many others. I've read quite a bit here about using a commercial sauce as a base with modifications and was hoping to pre-test it for an amateur comp (my first). I placed another thread in the Sauces category asking for advice on doctoring a commercial sauce.
At home, I usually use a modified No. 5 sauce that I really like so that is my control and the doctored commercial will be my test. I've also read a lot about Sweet Baby Rays and hear the same things about sweetness when used out of the jar. I just want to get a feel for competition winning sauces vs. my homemade.

Whoops. Chris A moved my post to Recipe Requests.
Have you looked at the PC Smokin' Stampede sauce? I's really good. I used to make my own until I saw that the stuff Loblaw makes has the exact same ingredients.
What comp are you going into?
Mike, I haven't tried that either. Is it a Loblaws staple?

The comp is the Amateur Rib Competition at the Beach BBQ and Brew Festival at Coxwell beach in Toronto.

30 teams compete on Fathers Day. The organizers supply each team with 2 racks of back ribs the day of. Start time is noon, turn in is 5pm. 6 bones minimum, no garnish allowed. Teams can bring pre made rubs, spritzes, sauces etc... (or not). No power will be supplied to the booths (I'm bringing a Canadian Tire battery power supply to run my Stoker and a radio). From the one conversation I had with the organizers it sounds very amateur (which I am). Only 2 competitors per team allowed. All equipment is bring your own.

I'm using my 18" WSM. My wood choice is a mix of hickory and cherry (I went against my usual apple).

Backs wouldn't have been my choice but that's what we have to use.

Should be fun if nothing else.
I like the sweet baby rays and you can get it at most grocery stores in Canada. Loblaws and Metro both stock it on a regular basis.

5 hours from start to turn in might be tight, but best of luck in the comp!!
Stuart - I'm not too worried about the 5 hours. I plan on cooking around 275F. The size of the organizers supplied backs is a variable but I've cooked many fatties in less than 5 hrs. I just hope they aren't skinnies because I'm shying away from foiling or holding. Also, since the turn in is only 6 bones I figure I can grab at least that from the middle. If timing gets tight, I'll cut off the front and back few bones and run with the centre ribs. All that said, a windy, rainy day might cramp all my plans so I'll have to wait and see

My buddy and comp teammate owns Great Lakes BBQ Supply here in Michigan. I sent him an email this morning to find out how much shipping would be to Toronto for a jar of each. I'll let you know.
Thanks all. I found Sweet Baby Rays at Loblaw's here so I went with that. I have another thread about "Doctoring" a commercial sauce in the Recipe Requests area.
So, I picked up some Sweet Baby Rays and some PC Smokin Stampede at my local Loblaws. I did a from the bottle taste test with both.

SBR - Very sweet with a smokey aftertaste. It has "natural smoke flavour" as an ingredient, which I don't know. Also, a little late heat.

PC - Also sweet but with a more fruity acidic flavour, no smoke taste. Note that the PC is advertised as beer and chipotle. I didn't get the chipotle though.

Neither is great out of the bottle but I gave them an even score since the SBR smoke flavour wasn't that appealing and the PC acid (or maybe it was the beer) tasted a little chemically to me.

I then added some pineapple and apple juice, Louisiana Hot Sauce and a pinch of cayenne to both.

The SBR's sweetness evened out a bit but some more acid would have cut it more but the flavour really started to change to fruity.

The PC's sweetness cut pretty well but it became very fruity, almost marmalade like. I still couldn't find the chipotle.

Overall, I chose to use the doctored SBR on some chicken thighs in the oven. I gave them 3 applications. The colour turned out really nice but the flavour really didn't come through. Perhaps I needed to add more.

Now I'm thinking about ditching the doctored commercial sauces and just going with my modified No. 5. I'm doing a few racks of backs Saturday and I'm going with the SBR modified on one rack and my No. 5 on the other to get a better perspective how they react using the WSM and wood smoke.

BTW - I know I'm hijacking my own thread but this doctored commercial vs. homemade has me on the ropes. I read about comp cookers mostly using doctored commercial and winning but I'm still feeling that the bottle sauces taste like the stuff you toss on some grilled porkchops prior to serving. Maybe it's just me

