Gettin' a WSM (EBay maybe)

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Okay, I'm convinced. I have to get one of these. The final straw was my friend telling me he's going "hunting" for a 200-300# hog. A nearby place has 100 acres roped off and charges people $275 to bring one down. So we're gonna have a LOT of pork to cook soon here.

Just a few things:
a) Is anybody bidding on the current WSM that's on eBay? I do not have a link, but it's got probably 4 days to go. 3 uses, and really cheap right now. I will update this post with a link as soon as I get home (can't access EBay at work, even at lunch /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif . If somebody who's on this site is currently bidding on the EBay one, please tell me so I can back off, and not raise the price unnecessarily. I'm a RAPTOR on EBay though, so if I don't hear back from somebody on this site, she's mine.
b) I noticed the ones on this site go for $179.99 thru Amazon, and are available with free shipping. Great deal. However, if I can score the EBay one for a good bit cheaper, I'll go with that. Can I "split the difference" and just give some money to this site as a donation (via PayPal hopefully)?? I've seen people sell out vendors that help out FREE bulletin boards before, and it makes me mad, so it won't happen here.
Thanks a lot! Look forward to becoming part of the group!!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jerod Wyman:
[qb]Can I "split the difference" and just give some money to this site as a donation (via PayPal hopefully)??[/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>See Support The Virtual Weber Bullet for methods of supporting this site, including PayPal.

Well done Jarod! Both for offering to back off on bidding, if need be, and for offering to contribute. I can only imagine the amount of work that goes into this site and I'm sure all support helps. I'm at this site a heck of a lot more than I pick up my BBQ'er magazine.
Welcome aboard and good luck on the bidding Mr. Raptor

I was thinking about bidding on the eBay WSM, but since I already have one and you asked so nicely, I think you should do the raptor thing and join the community of WSM'ers.

Good luck and keep coming back to this site, it's one of the finest BBQ resources on the web.

Rick, thank you for replying and being so gracious. Sounds like you're like I am with bikes. "But honey, I KNOW I already have four, but this one's such a great deal!!" /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
I haven't bid yet either, but last I saw it was only up to $100 (which is a no-brainer!) I saw somebody else on the board get one for $122.50 new, so I would be surprised if this goes over $120. I don't think I'd bid much more than that, since it's used, and since shipping is $20 (as opposed to FREE from Amazon, woo hoo).
I'll definitely keep you posted! /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif

I suspect you were the one that swooped in and won that smoker.

I was sitting pretty thinking I was going to score a lightly used Weber for $105 + shipping, then the last minute someone bumps it to $123.

oh well, such is ebay.



Sorry about grabbing that WSM at the last minute. I wish you'd seen the post before, I stopped in here again the day of the auction to see if anybody was gonna bid.
Just out of curiosity, were you "watching the clock" at the last minute? Usually I'll put a bid in last minute hoping that it's high enough, and hoping other people don't get a chance to counter. I noticed that you upped your bid "late in the game" too. Just for future strategy, did you see my bid before the auction ended? Thanks, and there'll definitely be another WSM on EBay soon. I was gonna let this one go, but my friend's bringing that whole butchered pig by soon, and I needed a WSM by then.
Good luck in the future!
DEFINITELY looking forward to receiving my preowned WSM!!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Just out of curiosity, were you "watching the clock" at the last minute? Usually I'll put a bid in last minute hoping that it's high enough, and hoping other people don't get a chance to counter. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Yes, I witnessed the painful event /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif .
And no, I didn't have a chance to counter. (I tried)

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I noticed that you upped your bid "late in the game" too. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Yeah, I had decided to bump my bid up to "make sure". I think I had the high bid at $103, but I just had a proxy of $105 in. I thought I would really hate it if someone bid $106 and I lost, so I bumped it up to ~$120.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Just for future strategy, did you see my bid before the auction ended? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Did I see the bus before it hit me? Yes, but just barely. Not enough time to react.

If I remember correctly, my bid logged in about 40 seconds before yours did.

I guess I too was thinking about the new smoker that had gone for $127. I might have gone higher for this one in the heat of the moment, had I had time, but $120ish was what I intended to bid.

Did you get pics of the unit from the seller? I was hoping potential bidders would see the bottom section and think it was rust.

enjoy, from the pics it looked like a very nice unit.


I seriously do appreciate you giving me the play-by-play of that eBay auction. Recently I've just put my absolute highest bid in at the last second. Otherwise I get totally preoccupied and keep wanting to adjust my bid.
Anyway, I will definitely keep my eyes out for another one and let you know if I see one. Take care.
Howdy folks...

Congrats on your WSM, even though i would have bought a new one at AMAZON for 158 incl. shipping rather than paying 127 + shipping for a used smoker without warranty (guess so?).
The best thing to me is always putting the stuff together and get that "new and shiny experience"...

Anyway, you folks got lucky get that stuff so "cheap" because here in the old world i had to pay 350 Euros (about the same in $$) for a WSM, 300 for a One touch gold kettle and 999 for a silver B Gas grill.

Have fun with it,

Don Marco
$158 with free shipping? All the links on this site pointing to Amazon say $179. If I had known it was $158 it may have been a different story.

Still though, I'm $140 out the door, and the things already been seasoned, so I'll save some time there. I don't mind buying used stuff if it's been cared for, which this has.

But if it is in fact $158 on Amazon, is there a way to make it easier to find? Taking both links I found $179.99 as the price, so I figured I'd go used. Oh well, to each their own. Take it easy.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jerod Wyman:
[qb]$158 with free shipping?[/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>This price was offered by Amazon last year for several months during the summer and fall. It's now back to the normal $179 with free shipping.

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