German Genesis LX S-340 being used in US runs cooler

We moved to Germany from Massachusetts for work in 2007. Lived in Bavaria just south of Munich. Returned to the States to help take care of the parents in 2020. Loved every minute of it and will probably end up back there.
I loved my years in Germany, 73-77.
We had a young lady as an Exchange Student from Munich a while back. She lived only a block or 2 away from that big brewery in Munich Paulaner. Her dad took me down into the alps in Bavaria absolutely beautiful area
Larry, I have been down to Garmisch several times. Beautiful is right. My Lt and other Army buddies hiked to the top of the second highest mountain in Germany down there. It actually has a path all the way up, but still several places where if you step off, you are going down a few hundred feet before touching ground again. Eagles Nest (Hitler retreat) is down that way too and a must see.
You can begin to see why Weber doesn't want people moving grills between countries and replumbing them. It's tricky stuff.
Exactly. There's a significant amount of potential safety related concerns associated with adapting a gas grill designed for use in one country for use within a different country. Consequently, Weber does not provide any support for a "country conversion", and making the sorts of modifications being discussed on this thread voids the warranty on the grill. That said, I can completely appreciate why someone would want to adapt their grill for use in a different country instead of buying a brand new one. #IworkforWeber

