Gensis ii i-310 orifice

Yes what Chris said. And as I told you in the PM it's not simply an orifice. I also mentioned it's far more complicated by the fact we/I have no idea how LP is regulated in Israel. The fittings I am sure are different, pressures may be different and so on. My friend who taught me pretty much everything I have ever learned about fitting pipes and gas connections brought the grill he bought here in the USA back with him to the UK. And even HE had major issues getting it to work properly. And he's a licensed gas fitter! So do you see what you're up against?
We definitely want you to know you are welcome here on our forum👍!

Most questions people discuss here are not dangerous. Everyone enjoys giving their opinions. However, this topic has a lot of potential danger. So everyone is on guard not wanting you or your family to have a terrible accident. I am sure you know that LP and natural gas are both nothing to play with. Unfortunately, there are people selling “kits” that make it sound easy. This is very misleading and even dangerous. We all just want you to be able to grill SAFELY. Thus the encouragement to find a gas professional in your country who can knowledgeably help you do it correctly.

Best wishes on getting your Weber working the way you want it to!

