Genesis II Stainless Hood Discolor Fix?




Is there a tried and true method to restore this brown discoloration above the temperature gauge?

Is it rust? Is it something else?
Is there a fix?

Thank you!


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Scrub with the grain of the SS. Bar Keepers Friend and a sponge work good too. Put it on wet, let it dwell for a few minutes before cleaning.
I use wet #0000 steel wool on stainless steel with good results but always open to hear of better products and methods.
Understand too, Weber does not use high grade SS. And all SS will discolor to a point. The low grade a little worse. Don't kill yourself on it. You will never get totally rid of discoloration. Only the smoke deposits and such.
Go easy and gradually increase the aggressiveness of cleaning, otherwise you'll end up with a clean spot and you'll be doing the entire lid, not just that little spot! Kind of like pressure washing.
Damp Magic Eraser is another gentle option I use. Just follow up with a clean rag so the gritty foam doesn't get into your food.
Looks nice John. I see you didn’t dismantle the hood to do it. I am scared to dismantle mine as I might not be able to get it back together straight with all those screws. I just think it would be easier without the end caps and screws.

Anyone on here ever dismantle a new style hood?
Do you have to watch for grain?
Also, if you take apart is it strong enough or too clumsy to get a good support? Sharp edges to be careful of?
I have seen a DeLorean re sanded. Worked well. Also seen one painted ;(

But it actually looked good. Red.
Looks great. I like to use an oil based stainless steel polish afterwards, to really bring out the shine and it helps keep the stainless looking clean longer.
Looks great. I like to use an oil based stainless steel polish afterwards, to really bring out the shine and it helps keep the stainless looking clean longer.
Bob, do you recommend any specific brand or have links to good ones? Weiman is the one I use but I don’t know if it is oil based. I don’t think it is.

