I read a thread somewhere on this forum I believe that someone converted a 2000 to a 3000 by adding a 3000 side burner, does anyone know if this is possible? I figure it would be since this is essentially the same grill. Thanks!
I'm converting a 3000 to a 2000 and it's a easy swap no modes needed. I have two gassers with side burners which I seldom use and I would rather have a shelf on both sides on this one.
You should have a plug in your manifold where the gas line for the side burner will go so you'll have to get a fitting to replace that to hook it up. Other than that its a drop in the frames are the same for the 2000 & 3000.
Thanks for the great info y'all! Just waiting for my lower back to get a little better and then I'm gonna start tackling this project. I can't wait to see how it turns out