Gas ignition Performer, do you use lighter fluid?


Brian Lieder

TVWBB Member
My classic stainless Performer has the gas ignition and it's pretty new to me. I figured the gas ignition would be the bees knees, but soon discovered that it really only ignites a small portion of my coals, creating a tiny hot spot in the middle of the basket. I tried moving the baskets around while burning the gas in an attempt to ignite the whole basket, but that's an annoying way to spend 5 minutes.

To solve this, i threw lighter fluid on all of both baskets, and hit the gas ignition for just a split second. got me a nice even bed of coals, and i was happy. But now i feel like i dont even need the gas ignition, and might as well just use lighter fluid and a match or stick lighter.

What do you do?
Brian, I load my coals into a chimney and place over the flame. Let it run for 2-3 minutes then turn it off. Once the chimney is all gray and glowing I would then dump into your unlit baskets and let them catch up burning. Gas ignition is the "Bees Knees"! Get rid of that lighter fluid.
I never use lighter fluid. I have the Performer gas ignition model and It lights the baskets fine -- concentrated in the center, but it spreads within a few short minutes. Make sure the burner is giving you a flame that's about 5-6" across, since it might have a clog. If that doesn't work for you, fill a chimney and light that, then dump the coals into the baskets.
I use one Weber starter cube and patience. I quit starter fluid in the '70's. A full chimney will be ready to dump in about 20-30 minutes tops...smaller amount in chimney is ready sooner. But that's using one starter cube, not gas ignition.

That tiny spot in the middle of the chimney spreads and will eventually light all the briquets...if you are in a hurry, start the chimney sooner and eliminate the starter fluid. It's bad for you, the food and the environment.
Wow, I've passed on some good deals on the one with no gas assist. I thought that would be something I'd like.

I've never been able to get my side burner on my gasser to get the coals going while in my chimney. Hmmmm

as Master Yoda would say...

A chimney you should get. Over the flame your coal chimney you will place. Burn until lit you will. Then into baskets will you place the burning coals. No lighter fluid should you use. Bad tasting food, it makes. Yes, yes it does.

as Master Yoda would say...

A chimney you should get. Over the flame your coal chimney you will place. Burn until lit you will. Then into baskets will you place the burning coals. No lighter fluid should you use. Bad tasting food, it makes. Yes, yes it does.

HAHA this is the best reply ever

I guess i was ignorant to the fact that lighter fluid was frowned upon in the grillin world. Ill definitely look in my burner tube in the next couple hours and let everyone know whats up (in case you're curious now)
I start charcoal one of two ways:
(1) put chimney on top of gas grill's side burner, after 3-5 min let the chimney do the rest
(2) use 2 newspaper pages crumpled up under chimney and a match

I'd probably still use lighter fluid if someone had not purchased a chimney for me as a Christmas gift. I didn't realize there were actual health concerns. I don't think I ever tasted a difference in the food, I figured it burned off the coals once they were ashed over and ready for cooking...
Lighter fluid coals makes make lighter fluid food.

You have the gas assist use it. Fastest way I've found to light coals using gas assist also preheats grill.

Throw 1/4 to 1/2 a chimney of coals in the chimney and light chimney using the gas assist. should be ready in 10 minutes or less.

Spread hot coals into baskets or direct on coal grate if you don't use baskets. Add your remaining unlit coal on top of lit and replace cooking grate.

You will now have all coals lit and grill and grate preheated in as little as 20 minutes (weather and coal quantity could affect this time amount).
Wow, I've passed on some good deals on the one with no gas assist. I thought that would be something I'd like.

I've never been able to get my side burner on my gasser to get the coals going while in my chimney. Hmmmm

Inthink some of these posts are from people who do not have a performer with gas assist and they are just commenting on how they light their coals, though some do in fact have the performer. If u can use a chimmney and your gas assist, i think u will be happy. I have 2 non gas assist but plan to get the gas assist model soon, and will use the chimney if not otherwise satisifed. Right now, my gasser doesnt has a side burner and i wouldnt want to uncover it everytime i lite my chimmney anyway. I used to keep a turkey fryer out in the open and lite the chimmney with it for ,any years but the wife got tired of it sitting out so now i use newspaper, which i dont love but it works

Try a normal propane torch...the kind you would use for plumbing (if you have ever sweat copper lines before). It's fast, relatively economical, and isn't much to be sitting out all the time. Paper can be hit or miss on if it starts, and it makes an ashy mess.
some of you are thinking too much.

place charcoal into baskets, place baskets over burner tube, ignite burner tube, wait 3-5 minutes, turn off propane.

the flame is not supposed to start EVERY piece of coal. The fire will spread on its own to the other coals while your prepping food.

too easy to mess up.
I use the gas assist on my SS Performer to start a chimney, takes just a few minutes to get the coals started and once started I can use them different ways. I have the original propane tank on my Performer and it lasts a very long time because of the short use each time to get the chimney started. I use paper in the chimney to start the kettles and WSM's.

