Garage door screens.



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Any one use one that's worth it? I have a 16' x 7' door and park two vehicles. I'd like something that can roll up or slide on a track.
Lifestyle is the cream of the crop but expensive.
Neighbor across the street has one, about the same size. They use it a lot from spring to fall. I don't know how it's hung, but it looks like it doesn't take much to deploy it, and it also appears that they can run the garage door up & down while it's out.
For me, I would like it because the skeeters here get really thick. And when I'm working out there, they're a royal PIA. Also many times when I have lots of people over in summer months, we overflow to the garage with chairs and long tables. So some type of easy to deploy screen would be great
I'm an original native of Northern Illinois, so I am familiar with the climate of the great lakes region. Unfortunately living only 8 hours south of there brings a tremendous amount of humidity. My garage is attached & is left open only for a brief moment whether entering, leaving or working in the yard. To many mice, snakes & rodents that would love to enter, it's the last place I want to try & entertain in. Just a different climate, plenty of room out back!
Yea. my garage is out back next to my patio which used to be a deck. I have a tv and sound system. Usually watch a game while working in my small shop.
It's more to keep the flies, mosquitos and my neighbors elm leaves from getting in.
I have a standup freezer and a beer fridge. If I'm home the door is open all day.
Around here, neighborhood is very safe. Overall we'd not even have to lock our doors. But it seems the low life in the area likes to tour the neighborhood and it's not unheard of your door will be up, and maybe you're out back mowing, and some %^&*#$ will walk in your garage and walk out with your trimmer or blower or anything else they want. Otherwise we all know each other pretty much
Not for garage doors, but we got a rolling/collapsible screen door for the back door of our house and it's been great.

It's a metal frame with a screen door rolled up on one end. Great for leaving door completely open but not open to bugs. It does narrow the door width a little but not by much.

