Gambel Oak ?


russ olin

TVWBB Platinum Member
For all you wood heads out there, I've been wondering here in southwest Colorado we have Gambel Oak. Or as people here call it Oak brush.
I have used white oak & red oak, but what about Gambel Oak for smoking wood in a smoker? I have never heard of anyone using it.
I had a cord of it for my wood stove this winter. And noticed when I used it the smell outside was very heavenly smelling. Just I just wondered if this would make a good smoking wood.
Would like to hear you all's opinion on this? Because believe me here in Colorado we have tons of it. And around our yard too.
Thanks, and have a good week.
The old grill goat
Thanks Rich for the info. We don't have a shortage of the oak around here. Will give it a try.
Thanks Rich for the info. We don't have a shortage of the oak around here. Will give it a try.

Russ, please let us know how it goes. Like Rich said, we have a lot of it in AZ, and since Diane & I are looking to move back to Durango area (hopefully this year) it would stay in our arsenal of smoke wood!
Russ, please let us know how it goes. Like Rich said, we have a lot of it in AZ, and since Diane & I are looking to move back to Durango area (hopefully this year) it would stay in our arsenal of smoke wood!

When it warms up I'll be getting the 18.5 out of the garage and doing test run with some oak from the yard.
Look us up when you get back to Durango Mike.

